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Writer's pictureNikola Jovanovic

How to Attract the Attention of Your Ideal Client

Are you ignoring your ideal customer without even realizing it?

It seems like a strange question, I know. But it really isn't, because I made the exact same mistake along the way and I still see it happen every day, every day.

The famous Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff once said: “You will only understand when you start to understand it.”

After going through it firsthand, I can say that Johan is right. Many companies have made the famous “leap” after understanding their ideal customer, so let me show you how!

The Train Station Problem

Imagine a crowded train station. Full of people, confusion, noise, total chaos.

There is a specific person in that crowd and you MUST get their attention.

How would you do it?

You might stand on a bench and hope to spot him in the crowd.

You could ask people one by one, but with hundreds of people it's impractical.

The best way to get his attention?

It's calling his name.

And it makes sense, but what does this have to do with our search for the ideal customer?


When I work with clients I ask a lot of questions. One of these is:

“Who is your ideal customer? Who is the perfect person for your services?”

From time to time the customer tells me:

"Everyone! We sell to everyone!”


Absolutely not.

For two simple reasons:

  1. Not everyone needs or wants your service or product.

  2. If you try to reach everyone you will end up reaching no one.

The ideal customer has a problem, a need, something they really want. And your service is perfect for his needs.

In the marketing world we call this the “hole in the roof” problem.

Something you need to fix instantly. Something that doesn't let you sleep at night.

Reach out to these people and you will have solved any marketing or sales problems you find yourself having. That's how:

If you're a dog trainer, you could theoretically sell to everyone who owns a dog.

But let's say your most profitable service is helping customers train their dog to stop eating furniture or not doing his business at home.

So rather than selling to everyone who has a dog, let's sell to those who have puppies.

The WORST way to reach our customer is to put up an AD or post saying something like:


Dog training at Marco's

We train all dogs, all breeds, all ages to do anything.

Here is the list of what we do.

  • we train your dog to fetch the ball

  • we train your dog on how to walk on a leash

  • we train your dog on how to interact with other dogs

  • we train your dog not to break things when you are away from home

If you have a dog and want us to train it to do anything, please call us at XXXXX


Noticed the problem?

It's so bland, so generic and vague that no one will think:

And this is the answer we want to receive from our ideal customer:

“This is right up my alley. I can finally take this burden off. This person understands exactly what I'm going through.”

So don't be afraid to stand out and “This is for ME!”

i target your message to the ideal customer.


See you soon,


PS If you want to find out what more you can get from your marketing, write to us here:

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